ALS Video

Unique Accelerated Learning System: Hi, and thanks for visiting Drive School of Motoring. If you can spare a few moments of your time, I will explain why our unique accelerated learning system can be a massive benefit to you. It’s very disturbing that so many driving...

Your Customer Journey From Booking To Practical Test

Your Customer Journey: The fact that you are taking the time to explore our ‘You Ask, We Answer’ section would suggest that you are considering our services as your training provider. Let me take a few minutes of your time to explain exactly what happens when you book...

Are We The Right School For You

Are we the right Driving School for you? We do not attempt to teach every person that wants to lean to drive and we may not be the right Driving School for you? With over twenty years of experience and one of the highest pass rates in the area, we find that taking a...

Booking Form Video

So, you may be wondering exactly what will happen when you fill in the booking form! Your request will be sent to the office where Colin and Terri, our customer services staff will look through your information. They will attempt to match you to a compatible...
Messenger Video

Messenger Video

So, you may be wondering exactly what will happen when you click the Messenger button!  You will be greeted by our automated system and it will take you through a series of questions that will determine the nature of your enquiry. You will be asked what service you...